The Brass Monocle | Eye Exams
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Eye Exams

Shelly Taneja

Dr. Shelly Taneja, Optometrist

A rarity in this city nowadays, Dr. Shelly Taneja was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. After attending high School she received her first degree in Computer Information Studies at DeVry University. With a flare for adventure and excitement, she jumped across the pond to advance her studies. In 2009 Dr. Taneja received her Doctor of Optometry from the University of Manchester, in England. She continued her training through with many ophthalmologists including a highlighted residency at the Doncaster Hospital where she found great pleasure working with children in the Binocular Vision Clinic. Dr. Taneja came back to Calgary eager to apply her new expertise in her home town. Marriage and children have delighted Dr. Taneja’s recent years. “My favourite part of being a mom is discovering unconditional love. I never realized how much you can do for another human being until I had my daughter.”

It’s with this same passion and exuberance that Dr. Taneja greets life and patients. Away from the exam room, she enjoys hot yoga, dancing, painting pottery, travelling and spending time with family. She is also fluent in Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu.

To book a complete eye health exam at our Mount Royal location, please contact us:

During our store hours:

Monday – Saturday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Sunday: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Before you come in for your eye exam:

  1. Bring any written prescriptions for glasses and/or contact lenses
  2. Bring current glasses and contacts with you
  3. Think about any other issues that might be bothering your eyes (i.e. dryness, redness, itching, light sensitivity, etc.)
  4. Please fill out, print and bring the online health history form or come 10 minutes early and fill it out before your appointment.